SoloSuit | Collectors

With SoloSettle,
Consumers Come to You

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Increase liquidation rate

Boost your liquidation rate with our platform, enabling you to resolve more debts quickly and effectively with no fees to you

Improve engagement

Never worry about your engagement rate. With SoloSettle, consumers initiate settlements with you

Drop annoying costs

Drop skiptracing and never worry about payment service fees. We got it covered

How it works

Consumer signs up for SoloSettle and makes an offer
You will then receive an email with the consumer’s offer and other details
You can reply with accept or counteroffer with your own terms
After negotiations are complete, you will be asked for payment details as well as for the settlement agreement
Once the consumer signs the agreement, you will receive a check for the settlement amount
You don't have to pay any fees and we take care of servicing payments, so you can ignore those costs, too
You're Done!

Schedule a call now

Find out how you can earn more
Improve your engagement
Settle more accounts
Lower payment service fees

Schedule a call now

Find out how you can earn more
Improve your engagement
Settle more accounts
Lower payment service fees

See How SoloSettle Can Help

Consumers Trust Us to Work With You





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Whether you want to work together or simply learn more, give us a call today

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